Friday 14 September 2012


Most TV channels have specific idents for different times of the day or different times throughout the year. 

For example, whilst analysing TV idents I have found that most children's channel idents are based in daytime settings (the channels are off air at 7pm). The different sections of the ident are set in daylight, and the familiar characters in the ident confirm the viewer is on the right channel. 

Alternatively, BBC three (which comes on air at 7pm) idents seem to have a dark/night time theme and often show lights being turned on etc. The 'nightlife' themes are more suitable for a young adult target audience. The make up, shoes, dancing and music, also reflects the nightlife idea. 

TV idents are also often modified for seasonal occasions, such as christmas, spring and halloween. 

Christmas, BBC 2 : 

This ident has a winter theme featuring snow, ice and deer. 

Spring, Cartoon Network Europe:

This ident has a spring theme as it focuses on the growth of new plants and flowers. The animations/movement reflect the idea of growth. 

Halloween, Disney Channel: 

This ident has a halloween theme featuring halloween iconography such as pumpkins, graveyards and witches. 

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