Wednesday 12 September 2012


One of an idents main purposes is for identifying, branding and marketing.
Eventually, this branding will become 'out of date' or will no longer serve the original aims and purposes of a channel.  Alternatively, the audience and target market may change as the company develops. 
To look at how a channel's identity has changed we can compare an old and new ident. 

Eg.1.  Channel 4 


Mission statement: 'Do it first, make trouble and inspire change'. 
Channel Aims (redefined 2003): 
  • demonstrates innovation, experiment and creativity in the form and content of programmes;
  • appeals to the tastes and interests of a culturally diverse society;
  • makes a significant contribution to meeting the need for the licensed public service channels to include programmes of an educational nature and other programmes of educative value; and
  • exhibits a distinctive character
The original ident in 1982 does not reflect the channels aims well. It is very simple. However, it does use bright colours, which reflects the creativity aims. Also, the theme music used in the 1982 ident became very recognisable to the channel. The 'coming together' animation of this ident was established in the 80s but is still used in today's modern idents. 

The modern 2004 ident reflects the channel's aims much more effectively. The modern Japanese city setting demonstrates innovation. The bright colours represent the creativity aim. The fact the ident is set in a different country and shows a different language 'appeals to the tastes and interests of a culturally diverse society', which the previous ident did not do. The familiar 'coming together' of the number 4, distinguishes the ident to the channel. 

Eg.2. UKTV Gold


UKTV GOLD was launched in 1992, and has been 'repackaged' a number of times. The channel is primarily a comedy channel.

About GOLD: 'Dedicated to celebrating great comedy and entertainment, Gold is the nation's favourite comedy channel. Its wealth of classic comedy programming is guaranteed to make viewers laugh daily. Much-loved comedy series such as Only Fools and Horses, Vicar of Dibley and Outnumbered sit alongside our brand new commissions featuring all the big-name stars, including Fry and Laurie: Reunited and The Royle Family Portraits.'

The channel's main aim is to entertain and make viewers laugh. This aim should be reflected in the TV ident. 

The ident from 2004 does not seem to fit the aims of the channel. It consists of clips of someone washing up. In a way the ident could reflect everyday life of the British nation. There is some laughter sounds in the clip which hint at the channel's genre. Finally, the logo shown at the end is surrounded by a gold colour scheme, identifying the channel's branding/name. 

This gold colour scheme has since been lost in the new 2012 TV idents. The channel's name was also cut down from UKTV Gold to just Gold, which is perhaps more effective. The new TV ident is very bright and busy with some comical objects/words. For example the boxing glove at the beginning, carrot, wind up teeth etc. The phrase 'stick something funny on' is used throughout this ident signifying the channel's genre. I believe, the new ident is more entertaining and suitable for the channel's aims. 

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